Author: Michelle Moore

What is the difference between web designing and web development?

People sometimes use the same term interchangeably. These two words refer to different meanings. Web designers use programs like Adobe Photoshop to come up with visual layouts of a website page. A web designer needs to be very good at visual design. A web developer, on the other hand, requires the use of different coding languages and programs like HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. They use the design to create a functional web page. You can see that the two tasks require two different set of skills to develop a good web page. A web designer deals with visual elements in a page layout while the web developer is responsible for the programming section. These two people might work hand in hand, but the roles will be different. Web designing One of the most critical factor to consider during web design is the client’s objectives. Before designing that page, you need to understand what the client will use it for. After that, you can now embark on the design process. It may involve the use of programs such as Adobe Photoshop to create visual layouts and elements such as color and contrast. There are design principles that must be considered when designing a web page. Balance – a good web designer needs to balance the different colors available in the layout, and it should not be too dark or too light. Contrast – this is crucial when you intend to draw attention from the different parts of the page layout. It is done by using different shapes and textures Emphasis – web designers can choose to highlight a section of the web page. If they want the same color, then… Read More